A NEW tournament HAS ENDED
A new cup has finished. The winning team has been Santa Clara. Once again, thank you all for taking part and participating. We will all meet again together in the next 108th FIP AMBASSADOR’S CUP
fipmeetings #ambassadors #ambassadorscup2021 #Argentina

Enter the following link and complete the Health Affidavit (DDJJ)
The DDJJ must be filled out within 48 hours prior to the trip In the case of minors or people with disabilities who cannot do it on their own, it will be the father, mother or person In charge who must complete the required data on behalf of of them.
People over 70 years of age are exempt from the obligation to perform the DDJJ electronically.
Ingrese al siguiente enlace y Complete la Declaración Jurada de Salud (DDJJ)
La DDJJ debe ser llenada dentro de las 48hs previas al viaje En el caso de las personas menor de edad o de las personas con capacidades diferentes que no puedan realizarla por si mismo, serán padre, madre o responsable quien deberá completar los datos requeridos en representación de ellos. Las personas mayores de 70 años de edad quedan exceptuados de la obligatoriedad de realizar la DDJJ en forma electrónica.
Requirements to enter the country
Non-resident foreigners who enter for tourist reasons most present:
1- Complete vaccination schedule
2- PCR negative 72 h. pre-shipment
3- COVI D-19 health insurance being exempted from quarantine
4- Health affidavit (DDJJ)
Requisitos para ingresar al país
Los extranjeros no residentes deberán presentar:
1- Calendario de vacunación completo
2- PCR negativo 72 hs previo
3- El seguro medico del país queda
4- Declaración jurada de salud (DDJJ)