Development Fund

FIP Polo Development Fund

The Federation of International Polo – Global Polo Development Fund (“GPDF”) was founded in 2013 by FIP Executive Committee with a generous contribution of FIP Vice President and Ambassador Mr. Pan Sutong to the FIP as seed money and for the investment returns thereon to provide sustainable resources for the long-termdevelopment of polo worldwide. Following approval from the FIP Executive Committee, the FIP Polo DevelopmentFund (PDF) program was created to provide funding assistance to initiatives and projects within the context of the FIP polo mission. The FIP Executive Committee has approved an initial budget of $100,000 for the FIP PoloDevelopment Fund. Primary components of the FIP PDF includes but is not limited to training and accreditation programs for umpires, coaches, administrators and players from grassroots to elite level regardless of gender. Applications to the Polo Development Fund will be assessed by the respective FIP Zone Directors and endorsed by the appropriate National Polo Association, then submitted to the FIP Executive Committee for approval. The FIP Executive Committee will consider whether or not to approve such applications, the amount of the grants and what conditions should be attached taking into account the recommendations of the respective FIP Zone Directors. The applicants National Association’s dues must be current. If the application is approved, the applicant shall indemnify FIP, its authorized users assigned and successors in title from and against all and any claims or liabilities instituted against FIP. An approved applicant must submit a report together with appropriate photographs to FIP at completion of the event.

FIP and ARISF/IOC Youth Development Fund

FIP receives a grant of U.S. $32,000 per year from the Association of IOC Recognised International Sports Federations/International Olympic Committee (ARISF/IOC) for the support of Children’s Polo Programs and Umpire Training Clinics.  This program has been very successful for the past several years and we encourage applications from our members. The appropriate National Association dues must be current in order to qualify for a grant.  An approved applicant must submit a report together with appropriate photographs to FIP at the completion of the event.