Polo Club Saint-Tropez wins the 2023 POLO RIDER CUP, beating Amadeus Polo Club 13 ½ – 9 goals in the final at the Polo Club Saint-Tropez, Haras de Gassin. Amadeus Polo Club started the game solid, winning the first chukker 3-1 ½ goals, but from then, Saint-Tropez Polo Club let the opponent get closer, and from the second chukker, the host team started to run away with the game. In the fourth chukker, the Italian team tried to get closer in the middle of the fourth chukker, but as soon as Polo Club Saint-Tropez decided to be more offensive, they ran away with a five-goal lead. The final result ended with 13 ½ – 9 goals for the French team to win the 2023 POLO RIDER CUP. Lorenzo Chavanne was named the MVP for the tournament, and the pony ‘Channel from, Lorenzo Chavanne won the Best Playing Pony of the match. Martin Aguerre H and Salvador Jauretche were the Best Scorers, and Pedro Chavanne was the Rookie of the tournament. Earlier, Aquedotto Romano Polo Club and Evviva Polo Saint-Moritz battled it out in the third-place playoff. Last year’s runner-up, Evviva Polo Saint-Moritz, won 9 – 7 ½ goals. Evviva Polo Saint-Moritz came out strong, dominating the game from the outset and making it hard for Aquedotto Romano Polo Club to keep up with the score. At the end of the fourth chukker, the Swiss team was leading 8-5 ½ goals, but then the Italian team staged a comeback, and towards the end of the fifth chukker, they were just ½ goal down. And that’s when Evviva Polo Saint-Moritz once again pulled out the extra stops to stay in the lead, with Martin Aguerre H scoring the victorious goal for his team. The finals for the CHALLENGE CUP were held in the morning. The match between Araucaria Polo Club and Golden Greens Polo Club witnessed a thrilling victory by the Argentinian team, which won 6-5 goals to lift the CHALLENGE CUP trophy. Golden Greens Polo Club got off to a fairly strong start in the first chukker, but when Araucaria found their rhythm, they took the lead in all the chukkers. The match was hotly disputed until the end when, with a lot of hard work and concentration, Luca Maier scored the golden goal for the Argentinian victory. During the podium ceremony, Matías Nigoul Jr.’s pony ‘La Roja’ was crowned Best Playing Pony of the match. Earlier before, the first game of the day between Coronel Suárez Polo Club and Polo Club Schockemöhle ended with Coronel Suárez Polo Club taking the third place with a final score of 11-8 goals. It started off as an equal match, with the first chukker seeing the two teams tied 2-2 goals, but Coronel Suárez took the lead right from the start of the second chukker and the Argentinian team ended up with a six-goal lead after the fourth chukker, 11-5 goals. In the last chukker, Polo Club Schockemöhle came back stronger, scoring three goals in a row, but they ran out of time, and the final score was 11-8 goals. |
POLO RIDER CUP – DAY 8 3rd / 4th CHALLENGE CUP CORONEL SUÁREZ POLO CLUB 11 – 8 POLO CLUB SCHOCKMÖHLE Score progression: 2-2 / 5-4 / 8-4 / 11-5 / 11-8.Coronel Suarez Polo Club: Alexandra Rodzianko 0, Misha Rodzianko 2 (3 goals), Ignacio Badiola 5 ( 6 goals), Gaston Beguerie 5 (2 goals). Total HC: 12.Polo Club Schockemöhle: Vanessa Schockemöhle 0 (1 goal), Giordano Magini 2 (1 goal), Matias Nigoul 4 (1 goal), Tomas Pieres 6 (6 goals). Total HC: 12.Umpires: Juan José Diaz Alberdi & Martin Haurie. FINAL CHALLENGE CUPARAUCARIA POLO CLUB 6 – 5 GOLDEN GREENS POLO CLUB Score progression: 1-2 / 4-2 / 4-3 / 5-4 / 6-5.Araucaria Polo Club: Luca Meier 1 (1 goal), Fabian Bolanteiro 4, Salvador Jauretche 5 (4 goals), Fabio Meier 2 (1 goal). Total HC: 12.Golden Greens Polo Club: James Peter Holoweslco 0, Matias Nigoul Jr 1 (1 goal), Marcos Harriot 5 (3 goals), Manuel F. Llorente 6 (1 goal). Total HC: 12.Umpires: Nicolás Scortichini & Hugo Iturraspe. 3 rd / 4 th POLO RIDER CUPAQUEDOTTO ROMANO POLO CLUB 7 ½ – 9 EVVIVA POLO CLUB ST. MORITZ Score progression: 1 ½ – 1 / 2 ½ – 4 / 3 ½ – 6 / 5 ½ – 8 / 7 ½ – 9.Aquedotto Romano Polo Club: Andreas Bihrer 0 (1 goal), Sebastián Sorbac 2 (2 goals), Fabián Bolanteiro 4 (1 goal), Gastón Maiquez 6 (3 goals). Total HC: 12.Evviva Polo Club St. Moritz: Valentín Farinati 1 (1 goal), Ignacio Kennedy 5 (3 goals), Martin Aguerre H. 7 (5 goals), Thomas Rinderknecht 0. Total HC: 13.Umpires: Juan José Diaz Alberdi & Nicolás Scortichini. FINAL POLO RIDER CUPAMADEUS POLO CLUB 9 – 13 ½ POLO CLUB SAINT-TROPEZ Score progression: 3-1 ½ / 4-5 ½ / 5-9 ½ /7-10 ½ / 9-13 ½.Amadeus Polo Club: Robert Kofler 0, Hilario Ruiz Guiñazú 3 (1 goal), Bartolomé Bayugar 4 (2 goals), Santiago C. Marambio 6 (6 goals). Total HC: 13.Polo Club Saint-Tropez: Nicky Sen 0, Pedro Chavanne 1 (6 goals), Lorenzo Chavanne 4 (5 goals), Santiago Chavanne 7 (2 goals). Total HC: 12.Umpires: Nicolás Scortichin & Hugo Iturraspe. |
Polo Rider Cup 2023 – June 14th to 24th at St. Tropez Polo Club, France